Lincoln and Marina went to their grandma and grandpa Paul's for Memorial Day weekend. They packed every minute with fun! On Saturday morning, they went on a hike in the hills around Mountain Green with their cousins. Here is a picture of the cousins just before the hike. (Marina with her cousins Will and Julia). Lincoln loved the hike and became the 'king' of the hills, rock piles, and concrete blocks that he found. Marina liked to be carried for the hike but liked to climb things with her brother.
That afternoon, we went to visit their other aunts, uncles, and cousins. They had fun on the swings and with the tetherball at "Grandma Valene's" house. The rest of the weekend was spent with cousins and family. They played at Lincoln Lake (in the Paul's backyard), saw Night at the Museum 2 (which they both loved!), and had lots of good food.
They spent lots of time in the car, but were very good about it. This is Lincoln with a toy top that he got on the last day of school. Lincoln completed the first grade with flying colors! He received the Presidential Fitness Award (which he loves to point out was signed by Barack Obama) and was promoted to the second grade.

Marina now has a rock friend called Rocky, of course. She carried him all the way to Salt Lake and back. She is very concerned when she thinks she may have left him behind. She does a great job taking care of him.

Lincoln and Marina are very excited to fly to Maine tomorrow. They'll be there through August 11, and can't wait to go. They are so excited to see all their grandparents on the east coast. They will have a great summer!