We just got back from spending four days in southern California with all the Pauls, Halvorsens, and Teeples (Ryan's family). We had a great time! Three days were in Disneyland. The first ride we all went on was Thunder Mountain Railroad. Even Marina rode it (she said she had fun but did not want to ride it anymore). This was Lincoln's favorite ride of the trip - he liked other rides, but Thunder Mountain was always his favorite. We rode through the Haunted Mansion, which was decorated like the Nightmare Before Christmas. Marina called it Jack's House. She was so excited to go in there, but from the first room, she hid her head in my shoulder and cried. She did not want to leave, but she would not stop crying for the whole ride. I worried that she had not liked the ride, but at the end of the day (and the end of the trip), she insisted that Jack's House was her favorite ride at Disneyland. We also saw the parade that first day. Here are photos of Lincoln and Marina at the parade. They danced along and got to see some of their favorites (Mary Poppins!).

Marina and Lincoln (and Grandpa) got to meet the Queen of Hearts (Marina was a little shy).

Grandma bought all the kids Mickey Mouse Light Sabers, so there was lots of fun to be had with those after dark (and before dark too!).

The second day in California, we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Lincoln got to go on a behind-the-scenes tour and see some shark teeth and feed some fish.

He already knew a lot about fish from watching Blue Planet, but he had fun seeing all the animals up close. His favorite animal at the aquarium was the striped archer fish. They can spit several feet above the water to knock their food into the water and eat it. It was amazing to watch! The aquarium had some very friendly birds - see photos!

We also visited the Queen Mary. Lincoln is here posing with some of the big guns they had on deck. Grandpa sailed on the ship when it used to cross the Atlantic, so he shared some memories with us. They also had a ghost tour that Lincoln was not quite up for.

We then spent two more days at Disneyland. Marina wanted to ride It's a Small World over and over.

She also liked the Finding Nemo ride, Soaring over California, and Peter Pan. She rode the carousel too and played in A Bugs Land too. She loved Alice in Wonderland and The Teacups too. She spun our teacup all by herself!
Lincoln got to participate in the Jedi Training Academy (with only a little help from some hand-made signs suggesting that he should be picked to participate). He trained with a light saber and then fought Darth Maul and helped defeat Darth Vader. He was awesome!

Grandma even bought Lincoln his own light saber, so he can continue his training. He has decided that he is going to be a Jedi for Halloween.

Grandma bought Marina a princess dress - Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. Marina loves to wear it, and has perfected chilaxing in a huge dress!

We are all home safe now - what a fun trip!