Thanksgiving was a really good day. We had a nice (and yummy) dinner at my parents' house. Then we visited Steve, Valerie and Kyle that night. Kyle is really into fixing things - he does have every tool you can imagine. Marina became an auto mechanic that night and learned a lot from her cousin.
The next day, we made gingerbread houses to start getting ready for Christmas. Here is Marina with her house
Here is Lincoln with his. He did need a little help with it, but he was certainly the creative director of the project.
We visited the Pauls, and Lincoln and Marina participated in"Find the Pickle" 2010. Their aunt Kara hides a pickle ornament on the tree. When the kids find it, they get a present. They get a little help finding it too.
When we went to have a doctor cast Lincoln's arm (they wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving), the doctor recommended that we have his arm set while he was under anesthesia since it would hurt a lot. Here is Lincoln having a great time at the hospital while waiting his turn to 'take a nap.' He did great and made friends with all the doctors and nurses there.

Here he is with his "Grinch" green cast.