It has seemed like a very busy month, getting back into the routine of things. Lincoln has continued in the second grade with excellent results. Here is his mid-year report card, which he was eager to show everyone. The standardized test results that come with his report card show that his test scores were literally off the chart - he was very proud of that. Rightly so!

They are both so grown up now - they can clean their rooms by themselves. Well, if they are properly motivated. Movies and trips to McDonalds are sure to do it, but having friends over usually works too. Lincoln and Marina got to see the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie with their Aunt Kara over the Christmas break. Marina really liked the Chipettes from the movie. Their theme song is "all the single ladies," and Marina has sung her version of the song every since. Here she is with her version:
Marina has been quite the little singer for the last little while. Here she is with her version of "The Princess Pat." She stayed home today with a cold. But a little cold won't stop her from dressing like a princess (first Belle, then Snow White). Tomorrow, she just announced, she will be Sleeping Beauty. Yesterday, she was Cinderella. We even watched the movie "A Little Princess" today. She says "it's about a girl who goes to school in London. Her father dies, and the girls at the school are mean to her. She gets a monkey friend. Then she has a new father. The end."
This is Marina's butterfly dance. Sometimes words are not enough and a little interpretive dance is necessary. From both kids!
Lincoln and Marina made sheep out of marshmallows and donuts to go along with our scripture lesson for family home evening. Here are each of them with their sheep.
Lincoln will be auditioning for a part in a musical (Seussical the Musical) tomorrow. If he gets in, the performances will be March 25 and 26. Here are his audition pieces. His poem is "I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor" by Shel Silverstein. His song, which we have no idea how he learned, goes like this "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves, Britain never, never never shall be slaves"
Ryan has been busy with work at the museum and teaching in the mornings. He still teaches 2 American history courses at Southern Utah University. He is scoutmaster, and just this weekend went camping and ice fishing with the scouts. He is a better man than I am. Literally and figuratively. I am still working at the Utah Shakespearean Festival as marketing director and keeping very busy with that, the kids, and everything else.
Marina has been practicing her letters, and now has really good penmanship. K is still kind of hard, but she keeps practicing!
(Sorry for all the videos this time, but they were so cute!)