We all have had a busy few weeks. Ryan has been working on a 50th anniversary book for the Utah Shakespearean Festival (he is doing research and interviews at this point). Lincoln has been busy with rehearsals (more on that in a minute), and Marina has been busy being cute.
Grandpa Paul and Kara came to visit last weekend, and we all had a great time with them. I worked on getting my old house ready to sell (anyone need a cute little house in Cedar City?), while Kara and Grandpa played with the kids. Lincoln went shooting with his Grandpa. We told him to dress warm since it was cold, and he certainly did - he has about 7 shirts and at least 5 pairs of pants.

Unfortunately, this did not get carried through to his feet and he only wore one pair of socks and his feet got cold!
The kids got to go see the Tooth Fairy with Grandpa and Kara too! They thought it was very funny.
Lincoln's new front teeth are coming in nicely:

(he really does not like to pose nicely for pictures!).
Grandpa and Kara's visit was followed closely by a visit by Nana and Papa. The kid stayed with them at a hotel here in Cedar, and they LOVED the swimming pool. By the end of the visit, I understand that Lincoln could swim the whole length of the pool on his own! Nice!
Lincoln and Marina play very nicely together; here they are in an intense game of Superhero Monopoly.

Lincoln's rehearsals for Seusical the Musical are coming along. Here is a sneak preview of his Lorax walk (this took a little coaxing).
Just as a reminder, the performances are March 25, 26, and 27 (matinee on Sat. the 27th). If you can make it, we'd love to see you!
Not to be outdone, Marina had a rehearsal also. Actually, she got a little restless waiting at Lincoln's rehearsal one day, and Ryan took her outside to the Adams Shakespearean Theatre. Here she is on stage, every inch a diva!

Marina also performs at home sometimes. Here she is doing the alphabet song with her Dora Sing Along Video. She is really good with her letters, and we'll register her for kindergarten next week! We will also get her caught up on her shots next week. She has assured me that she will be very brave. I'll let you know.
Lincoln got a library book about endangered animals. He was in bed reading it one night when I went in to check on him. He told me, "I don't want these animals to be endangered." I said that I didn't either. Then he told me, "I want to help them not to be endangered." So, Lincoln got a stack of paper and some crayons and went to work. He created about 30 posters to help save the animals. Here are a few of them.

He then took all his posters to school and passed them out to his classmates so that they would know that they needed to help save these animals. I also had to assure him that we didn't have any alligator skin shoes, belts or purses in the house. He was skeptical about all leather, until Ryan and I assured him that cows were not endangered. Whew!
I also scanned in this essay of Lincoln's a while ago, but forgot to include it until now. The assignment was to write about what he would wish for.