Thursday, October 23, 2014

August, September, and Part of October

Marina's Birthday Loot - a TARDIS towel, a book, a movie, and FULL House DVDs. The costume was because she could. It makes regular appearances at our house. 

 Cousin time at the Aquarium!

Marina liked to take pictures of the animals.

Lincoln and Marina both got to feed the sting rays

Another of Marina's pictures

She is pretty awesome


You must be this tall to see the penguins.  Check.

Marina was so proud of this photo!

Artist with her subjects
 More cousin time at the West Jordan splash pad and park

Marina and Rextin
 Kara, Marina, Petra and I had a day at the theater!
Marina and Petra - lunch before the play!

Backstage tour - Petra makes use of the rehearsal room

Marina and Katniss are watching a movie on the way home.  

Thanks Karlene for the TARDIS dress!

Thanks Grandma for the dollhouse!

First day of school - 4th grade

Gabe and Marina at the museum


That is a 12 - I could only find a candle "2" so we improvised.

For Lincoln's birthday, we saw The Comedy of Errors at the Shakespeare Festival

After a little mishap involving hedge trimmers, my finger, and 4 stitches, I got the hedges trimmed!

Marina spent some of her birthday money on this Dr. Who shirt.  It says Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey.
 We have lots of photos of Lincoln's ordination

 Marina's Lego creations:

 Thanks Kara for the new PJs!
 My former office building was torn down to make way for a new theater and museum.  It was cool to watch.

That corner is right where my office was.  Lots of years spent there!

Marina after the Ogden Temple dedication broadcast, showing off our new flower bed.  In the spring, we'll have some beautiful flowers there.  

 For a conference, I visited Solitude Ski Resort - it was a gorgeous evening!

 Ryan's tenure as president of the Utah Museum Association ended with a gift from his colleagues - a Green Lantern shirt.
 We saw The Box Trolls - and loved it!

 Hat day at school.  Yes, that is a civil war hat.  

Crazy hair day at school
We had a Terry Family reunion in Alton, Utah.  Tons of family fun!
Ella and Rextin
 Bryce Canyon National Park
Carter, Marina, and Jane


Kate and Emma

Jane, Lincoln, Marina, Ella, Kate, and Carter

Jane, Lincoln, Marina, Ella, Kate, and Carter
Kate, Ella, Marina, Jane, Carter and Lincoln

Kate, Ella, Marina, Jane, Carter and Lincoln



Karlene and Rextin

Ella, Rextin, and Kaden

Marina and Rextin

Jax: "Mom, my hand feels weird."


 Alton Park

 The kids found a grasshopper to watch.

 This was not the grasshopper.  Just hittin' the ground.
Kaden and Kevin

Kaden and Kevin

Jax and his Cheetos skeleton



Kaden's favorite toy: water dripping

Alice and Robert

Alice and Robert

Kaden, Robert and Alice

Kaden, Marina, Robert, and Alice
 Many faces of Kaden:

Can't they hold still for a photo?  No.  They can not.


Carter, Lincoln, Marina, Jane, Alice and Ella

We also saw The Book of Life and really liked it.  

 Finally, Marina has been learning about forests at school and decided to make a forest art project.  Not an assignment, she just loves making stuff.
