We have put quite a few miles on the road in the last few months, but we've got great memories to show for the road weariness.
At the end of April, Marina and I had a girls trip to Las Vegas to see the touring production of Cinderella. We both loved the show. I had forgotten how much I liked to watch the TV version when I was younger (The Leslie Ann Warren version).
Dinner at Hash House a Go Go.
Waiting for our food |
Yummy |
Gelato to finish things off.
Ryan graduated with a master's degree in Arts Administration (though he has to do a project over the summer to be officially done). If you listen close, the program director reads Ryan's name as Ryan Tiberius Paul, in honor of Star Trek and his love of pop culture. I could not have been more proud.
Marina at the Festival's Greenshow stage. There was a party, and this was after all the other kids had left. She is pretty cute.
The end of the school year meant awards. Lincoln also received an award for consistently being on the honor roll.
3rd place in 400 meter dash |
One of the top 5 readers in her grade |
Marina's report on Toole County |
Marina and I made one last trek to Salt Lake to see family before she left for the summer while the boys were at scout camp.
Terry cousins |
silly Terry cousins |
Kaden |
After a rousing game of Ghost in the Graveyard |
Marina loves her cousin Rex!
Then time at the park with the Halvorsens
silly cousins might be a theme |
One more ladies night at the theater before the boys come home. This time it's Annie.
Diner breakfast before we head home. |
We were all able to spend a few days together in Boston before the kids headed to Maine. Happy travelers, we.
At the Museum of Science (the top priority destination for all of us), we had a great day.
Then, a Boston Duck Tour - on land and water.
Lincoln even drove the boat |
but he ducked out of the selfie (pun intended) |
At the Museum of Fine Art, there was an exhibit of war propaganda, and we recognized some of the prints we have on our walls at home. We go all the way to Boston to get excited over art that we have. We did see lots of other art too. Marina liked the room of ceramics, and I think Lincoln liked an interactive computer table with a couch next to it.
We traveled by subway/metro for the whole trip. By the time we were done, the kids where great at figuring out which direction and watching for the right stops. I know Lincoln had fun, even though his face does not show it. I think I have seen many photos of teenage Ryan with a similar face.
We also walked the Freedom Trail, visiting sites and buildings that were important in the American Revolution.
I caught a smile! |
Marina wanted pictures of Paul Revere's and Benjamin Franklin's markers.
Treats to keep our strength up! |
The USS Constitution in dry dock. We could not tour it since it was, but we got to see it and the museum about it.
USS Constitution Museum: the life of a sailor.
After the kids headed to Boson, Ryan and I made a few more stops: the JFK Presidential Library and the Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum. The Gardiner Museum is built around a beautiful courtyard and contains some amazing art. We both loved both of those stops.
Back to Utah, and one more quick trip to Zion National Park before the Festival officially opens for the summer. That keeps me busy, but I'll try to keep the blog going.