Lincoln's play, Once Upon a Mattress, was last Thursday and Friday. He did four performances in two days. His Grandpa Paul and Kara came one day, and his Grandpa Bob and Grandma Valene came the other. The matinees had over 700 people attending for each one. Lincoln liked performing in front of the kids because he says it made it more fun to do the play in front of people. Lincoln's favorite part of the play was the ending because that is when he got to hold a weapon. (At the end of the play, they pull all sorts of armor and tools out from under the princess' mattress). Lincoln's favorite song was "Fred." His favorite part of that song sounds like a cheerleader chant, "With an F, and and R, and an E, and a D! With an F-R-E-D Fred! After his performances, he got to spend a whole day with Grandpa Paul and Kara. They played at Park Discovery (Lincoln went fishing there), went swimming, flied a kite, and saw the movie Monsters vs. Aliens. Lincoln's favorite part was when Susan hits the alien in the face. His favorite monster in the movie was all of them! Lincoln also g

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