Lincoln and Marina flew with their aunt, Kara, and then Evelyn and Grandma Paul stayed for a few days in Cedar City. We all spent time at the Iron Mission Museum.
Marina went to the doctor for her four year old check up, and she had to have her finger pricked. She was very brave though, and got a bugs bunny band-aid when it was over.
Lincoln and Marina also had fun discovering their new fish aquarium. They have two bala sharks (named scaley and hailey) two tiger fish (named tiger and tiger), and a sucker fish/algae eater (named rosie according to Marina, and named suckie according to Lincoln).
Marina wanted a pink cake with a rainbow for her birthday, and she got it when she got home (along with a Dorothy costume and some Wizard of Oz books). We'll get a photo of the costume soon for the blog.
We had a welcome home party for the kids with their friends in the neighborhood. We had a bouncy house (thanks grandma and grandpa Paul!), and the kids had a great time!
Lincoln and Marina had a great week! They were exhausted when it was over!
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