The most exciting thing that happened this week was . . . Lincoln lost his first tooth! He was at school, and thought that he had food in his teeth. He pulled what he thought was food out of his mouth , and there was his first tooth! Unfortunately, Lincoln lost the tooth on the school bus. So, he wrote a note to the tooth fairy explaining what happened. The tooth fairy was kind enough to give him money anyway! He has three more loose teeth, so she won't have to wait too long to get one of Lincoln's teeth.

Marina has been having lots of fun playing dress up. Her princess dress, her Dorothy costume, and this is one of her more creative combinations.

Marina and Kami rode the train to the Children's Museum in Salt Lake City. Marina had lots of fun with the play house there.

Lincoln and Marina went to Jumping Jacks with some of their cousins. It was lot of fun - the streaks on this photo are Lincoln and Marina going very fast down the slide.

There was also a dragon obstacle course that Lincoln did in 13 seconds!

We had lots of time to spend with family over the week of Thanksgiving, and that meant lots of time with cousins!

Lincoln and Marina also got to visit Santa this week. They have been very good, so I think it's a pretty safe bet that they are on Santa's nice list!
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