We got to go spend the weekend with the Pauls in northern Utah last week. We all had a great time! With Ryan's dad and sister, we visited a couple of museums in Park City. First, was the Park City Museum.

Lincoln, Marina, Will, and Ryan posed for this photo there. The kids got backpacks and helmets, just like the first miners in Park City (almost).

We learned how miners would have to go down amazingly long elevators, how some underground transportation happened, and had a great time!

Next, was the Alf Engen Ski Museum at the Olympic Park. The kids tried out the sled, just to see what it was like.

The kids were really good in the car - they really rode in style!

While we were driving, we asked the kids what they would wish for if they had a wish. Marina said she would want a fairy costume and an Easter party. Then she said she wanted to be a mom with two kids, named rainbow and unicorn. Nice. Lincoln's wish was that we stop endangering animals. Very nice.
Lincoln got to go on a a fishing trip with his grandpa, aunt Melissa, and cousin Will. He had fun but his favorite part was when the boat went fast. I don't think you can catch many fish that way. They didn't catch any.
We had so much fun - thanks for a fun weekend!

We let the kids watch movies to go to bed on weekends, on trips, and other exceptions. Marina has caught on to the idea of exceptions, and she asks for one almost every day. Only she asks for an "exsheption." It's so cute the way that she says it, it's hard to say no!

Lincoln had a field trip last week too. He got to go to the Shakespearean Festival's Bard's Birthday Bash. He got to celebrate Shakespeare's birthday by having cake with queen Elizabeth (the first, he emphasizes), doing a maypole, having a tug of war (and winning), and learning about swords and stage combat. He even got to see some other second graders do a 10 minute version of Twelfth Night. We was so excited about that field trip, he got up at 6 a.m. that day!