Lincoln made the best Lorax ever, and thankfully had a costume that was different enough from everyone else's that we could keep track of him on stage.
We could not take any video (due to copyrights), but we should have some more photos of the show next time. I will also try to get the kids to sing some of the songs. Marina has been re-enacting her favorite parts. She sings, "the biggest blame fool in the jungle of Nool." and "How lucky you are" and just about everything she saw the birds do.
All the talk (and singing) about Seuss renewed the kids' interest in Dr. Seuss books. I have read several of them to the kids recently (especially The Lorax, of course). Marina also loves to look at the books to go to sleep. So cute!
We all attended a performance called Crayon Court, which was a puppet show that taught about colors. We had fun, and when it was done, we all had a degree in Colornometry and got to meet the cast.

Marina's favorite was Miss Black and White (a black and white puppet) and all the girl puppets.
We had lots of family come to see Lincoln in Seussical - thank you!
While the Pauls were visiting, we did an easter egg hunt for the kids - at Frontier Homestead Museum, since there was snow on the ground.
Ryan and his coworkers dedicated a sawmill at the museum a couple of weeks ago. It was the sawmill that was used to cut the timbers of Old Main at Southern Utah University over 100 years ago. Of course, when there was a crowd, the cranky thing did not want to work. One of the descendants of the family who had the sawmill said that was pretty fitting since it regularly did not want to work. So, they sawed a log by hand, and when everyone went home - it started right up!
We cleaned Lincoln's room today, and found this school project from Martin Luther King day. Lincoln was supposed to talk about how he dreams that the world could be a better place. Here are his own words:

Thanks for the great update and an actual cute picture of me! :)