The kids received a butterfly canopy (thanks Bunker and Ducky!), and we finally got some caterpillars to go in it (thanks Aunt Kara!). We watched as the caterpillars ate and ate for a week, then they formed their cocoons. After another week or so, butterflies came out! We watched and fed them for a couple of days and then let them go. Marina named all five of them Goldie.

When we first were letting them go, two of the butterflies were 'connected,' and they were not at all interested in flying away. Ryan and I smirked a little and told the kids that we would have to wait a while before the last two butterflies would fly away, thinking that the kids would not really know what was going on. But Lincoln, took one look at them and said, "Oh, they are mating aren't they?" He watches way too many nature shows not to know what that was all about.

Last week, a morning news anchor decided to broadcast from Frontier Homestead State Park (Ryan's museum), and Lincoln got to go with his dad and be on TV! Here is a shot of him with the anchor, and when I figure out how to get the footage here, I'll post it. Lincoln won a log sawing contest, and received his prize on the air!

Marina has broadened her movie watching in the last few weeks. She and I have watched both versions of A Little Princess (they are known as 'the one we have seen' and 'the one we have not seen,' even though we have seen them both repeatedly). Marina likes that show a lot, but her favorite movie of late is Oklahoma! (the Hugh Jackman version, of course). She asks to watch it with me about once a week and watches it on her own a lot too. Here she is performing one of her favorite songs from the show:
If you can't tell, that was "I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say No."

I realized that I never posted a photo of Marina's Easter dress, even when I showed Lincoln's Easter clothes. So, here is Marina's Easter dress, only a couple of months late.

For Mother's Day we had a bunch of photos taken, here are a few more. Thanks for a great Mother's Day!

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