Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fun, Fun, and More Fun!

Lincoln finally lost his other front tooth. It was so loose, I thought that I thought he might accidentally swallow it with his food. It did fall out one day, but it was when he was eating crackers. Luckily, he did not swallow it, and the tooth fairy came through for him again. A whole dollar. Here he is with no front teeth (though the new ones are already peaking out). He also has a very clean nose. :)
Ryan and I got an Iron Chef Wii game for Valentines Day (thank you Kara, Mom, and Dad!). Lincoln is now an Iron Chef, and has only lost one time. He really loves that game and has decided that he loves real cooking too. He cheered Ryan on when he was making dinner tonight!

I was in California for Valentines day (for work), but the kids had a great day. They received lots of valentines in the mail (thank you everyone), and they had valentines from me that they had to find while I was gone. Ryan and I saw Wolfman when I got back to town - nothing says romance like a wolf ripping people apart!

Almost immediately, I left for South Carolina to see my sister, Karlene, graduate from the Army Basic Training Camp at Fort Jackson.
It was fun to see what she has accomplished, and it was nice to spend time with my parents and my brother, Kevin, and his family from Florida.
We got to take Karlene to some of the sights around Columbia, including the State House and a river walk.
It was a fun trip, but I am glad to be home. Ryan had to do all the kid shuffling solo, and with babysitters, play rehearsals, and all the other things that come up, that is a lot! He was a champ at it though. I brought Lincoln a Bionicle home, and now he says that Bionicles are his favorite toys. (They are kind of like lego creatures that he puts together). He says he is going to save up his money to buy some more. I brought Marina a little pink and silver stuffed fish. She promptly named it "silver heart ribbon love". I think that means that she thinks its pretty. She also found a purple hippopotamus in her drawer that she had not named. He (she?) is now Purple Song, because it plays music.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Big News!

Lincoln had a great audition, and his role in Seussical the Musical is . . . . The Lorax
He does not have any lines of his own this time, but he is the only Lorax. He is one of the Whos of Whoville in the play. It should be really cute! He has a special walk (which is really funny!) and he sings a bunch of the songs, including "Oh the thinks you can think." He sang that song to me for the entire drive home one day. He started off the ride by asking me how many times I wanted to hear his new song. I said as many as he wanted. So I heard it for about 15 minutes. I know it now too!

Lincoln and Marina learned the words to Sweet Caroline, probably from Ryan's iPod (he frequently plays the Neil Diamond and the Elvis versions, although I often play the Glee version, so it could be my fault). Anyway the kids sing it really cute. Here is an attempt to capture it, but I will try again to get the full effect of their cuteness singing that song.

Lincoln lost another tooth this morning - one of his top front teeth. You can already see the permanent tooth coming in. The other front tooth is barely hanging on, but he wants to wait and let it come out on its own. He must be chewing really carefully to keep that thing in his mouth. Little Marina is still a sweetheart! She has a new game (as of today), that she tries to make a mad face for as long as possible. The longest she can go is about 6 seconds before bursting out laughing. She loves to color and has gone through 500 sheets of paper since Christmas (Lincoln probably helped a little), but she makes a pile of pictures every day. She loves to draw beautiful women. Marina also likes to be a beautiful woman. Here she is in one of her beloved princess costumes, just prancing around the house. What else can you do when you are a princess?

Marina has an entire entourage of animal friends that she loves to line up in whatever room she is in. She lines them up in her bed, when she thinks of it, and she lines them up on the couch or anywhere else so they can watch TV or she can read to them. The latest addition is called Big Bear (thank you Nana!). This picture is Marina with Elvis Bear. They all have names, and Marina gets fairly irritated if you call them by the wrong name.
Marina is doing well in her Kindergarten preparations. She can write all of her letters, knows her colors and shapes, and can count to 100, with a little help. She is very excited to start school this fall, and asks almost every night if she can do homework. I hope that keeps up!
